Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI This memoria becomes an inner presence, and this presence becomes prayer - life lived before God and in the awareness of his presence


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Abraham, father of all believers in the one God, prophetTogether with his wife Sarah, Abraham listens obediently to God's word and puts it into practice without delay. Both became models of faith i...


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A lexicon of the inner life by ENZO BIANCHI Christian faith is also a great battle against death, and above all against the fear of death


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Ignatius of Antioch (d. ca. 115) pastor and martyr Ignatius strenuously defended the reality of the Word's Incarnation and bore witness to the Resurrection with his own martyrdom


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Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Those who love God with all their heart, and their neighbor as themselves, want to give praise


Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI This is the saving gift that inspires our thanksgiving and makes the Eucharist the church's action par excellence


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Martin Luther, witness and the Protestant Reformation (16th cent.) Martin Luther was born in 1483 in Eisleben, Saxony, and was educated at the cathedral school of Magdeburg and the University of E...


Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI It is in Christ on the cross that we now find the presence and image of God: "He is the image of the invisible God"


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Letter to our friends The other man will no longer be either an enemy or a sinner from whom I have to part, but ‘somebody who belongs to me.’ With him, I will be able to rejoice at the same mercy ...


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Enzo Bianchi was born in Castel Boglione (AT), Monferrato, on 3 March 1943. After his studies in economics at the University of Turin, in 1965 he moved to Bose, a small village outside th...


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16-19 September 2007 15th International Ecumenical Conference Apart from the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Reformed Churches were also represented at the Symposium Metrop...


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ENZO BIANCHI The Transfiguration is the mystery of transformation: our body and this creation are invited to transfigure, to become “other” XV International Ecumenical Conference ...


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XV International Ecumenical Conference An opportunity for a fraternal exchange of views and shared reflection on essential topics of spiritual life, where Eastern and Western Christian traditions ...


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XV International Ecumenical Conference The beauty that is the world’s salvation is indeed the uncreated beauty that shines forth on Tabor The transfiguration of Christ and the sufferin...


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Bose, 16-19 September 2007 XV International Ecumenical Conference The community wish to thank all who made this fraternal meeting between Christians of all the Churches possible: Metropolita...


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‘Abba, give me a word!’ So young monks and visitors to desert monasteries in the fourth century would often address an elder, hoping that a word originating outside of themselves would...


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Scripture brings us God’s Word when we read and welcome it in faith as the Word that comes from and leads to God. Scripture is the means by which we live in God. The ancient monastic and patristic ...


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On February 23, 2006, the Prior has been welcomed by Pope Benedict XVI in a private audience. On this occasion he was able to speak with the successor of the apostle Peter about several issues havi...


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XV International Ecumenical Conference We could be present at an Orthodox symphony, one in its inspiration and diverse according to historical periods and cultural contexts XV International ...


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After this brief outline of the beginnings of the community, we can say a few words about how the community that has taken shape at Bose in the last thirty years understands itself as sharing in th...


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Holy Saturday Today Christians should not forget the mystery of the Great and Holy Saturday, a real prelude to Easter. There is no Easter dawn without a Holy Saturday Speaking of the Ho...


Easter All men, even if they know neither Him nor His plan, carry a feeling of eternity inside their heart   choir of Bose “The only real sin is to remain insensi...


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Brother, sister, it is not for yourself that you have come to this community, but for your brothers and sisters in the church and in the world. The element of mission belongs to every function of t...


July 2010 The display of the latest publications and the new CD, with the possibility to browse through the books and to order directly from our publishing house {loadposition advert...


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Article by ENZO BIANCHI Ciò che è avvenuto sul monte Tabor in Gesù Cristo avverrà per tutti i credenti e per il cosmo intero L'Osservatore Romano, Sunday 30 September 2007 L’e...


Dopo molta ricerca, meditazione e confronto, le sorelle di Bose hanno accettato un invito delle monache benedettine di Santa Scolastica e da ottobre 2013 alcune di loro condividono la vita monastic...


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  Our apiary honey is the result of our brothers' keen interest in beekeeping. The apiary of Bose is situated on the sunny side of a hill, facing south. It overlooks the Ivrea moraine, whose...


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What road should we take? Letter to our friends The spirituality of communion will then be lived as an exercise in the art of listening What road should we take? Dear friends, g...


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From April 2013 we are present in Tuscany with a fraternity of brothers in the diocese of Volterra by the church of Cellole, near San Gimigniano.


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Recently we have begun a new activity: the handicraft of decorative candles. Our candles are made from refined paraffin with the addition of stearic acid.   Easter candle, detail ...