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Bose’s bread is hand-baked bread, fruit of manual work, of transforming selected natural ingredients, without the addition of chemical or ameliorative substances.      


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Bose, 7-10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches    XIX International Ecumenical Co...


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Come arrivare a Ostuni: In auto: superstrada 379, uscita: Ostuni Torre Pozzella In treno: stazione di Ostuni, sulla linea Bari - Lecce In aereo: aereoporto di Brindisi - Casale Coordinate GPS:&...


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By car: exit at "Ostuni - Torre Pozzella", on the highway 379 By train: get off at Ostuni railway station on the Bari-Lecce line By plane: Brindisi Casale airport  Addre...


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Spiritual exercises are organized mainly for priests, with two meditations a day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).   Program for the year 2007   Septemb...


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Each meeting is held on Sunday, according to the following programme: 10:30 am: first meeting 12:00 am: Eucharist 3:00 pm: second meeting 5:00 pm: Vespers (evening prayer). ...


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Since Autumn 1998 the brothers of Bose in Ostuni welcome guests and pilgrims who are looking for a place of solitude and silence, a quiet place where they can pray, listen to the Word of God, and e...


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Sundays and Holidays 7.30 Morning prayer 12.00 Eucharist 13.00 Lunch 17.00 Evening prayer 19.00 Supper 20.00 Compline Weekdays 5.30 Morning bell 6.00 Morning pr...


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This is the timetable of the common prayer at the chapel of the fraternity:   Weekdays 6.00 Morning prayer 12.30 Midday prayer 18.30 Evening prayer   ...


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We are preparing the calendar 2010   The courses on Bible and spirituality are offered to people who want to deepen their own faith experience through reading the Word of God. ...


The courses of Biblical Greek are intended to introduce the participants to the knowledge of the language in which the New Testament is written. Calendar 2013 Registrations open...


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This Psalter has one precise object: the prayer of the Christian, Christian prayer. The book of Psalms, which in Hebrew is called “Praises”, contains of course the traditional prayers of the people...


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Bose, 7-10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Prendo l'occasione anche per trasmettere al Priore Enzo e a tutta la comunità, agli eminentissim...


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The Christian holidays by ENZO BIANCHI To receive the ashes means to become aware that the fire of God’s love consumes our sin Every year Lent return, a full time of forty days to be l...


XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Bose, Wednesday 7 - Saturday 10 September 2011 in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches XIX International Ecumenical Con...


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“Ogni ospite che giunge in comunità sarà accolto da te come Cristo in persona...ero ospite e mi avete ricevuto...” (Regola di Bose 38)


ci tenevo a portare il saluto non solo mio personale, quanto di tutta la Conferenza dei Vescovi del Piemonte, in particolare del presidente, l'Arcivescovo di Torino Mons. Cesare Nosiglia ...


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Monastero di Bose San Masseo Via Petrosa, s.n.c. I - 06081 ASSISI (PG) tel. (+39) 075.8155261 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Per prenotazioni telefonare preferibilmente dal...


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On Sunday, 18 September 2011, archimandrite Andrej (?ilerdži?) a dear and old friend of the community was ordained bishop of Remesiana by patriarch Irinej in he St Michael the Archangel cathedral i...


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Gesù amava ritirarsi in disparte, sul monte o nel deserto. Ma tornava presto in mezzo agli uomini, commosso dalla folla che attendeva il suo ritorno.


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La nostra fraternità pratica con gioia il ministero monastico dell’ospitalità verso quanti, da soli o in gruppo, cercano un luogo in cui trovare un momento di silenzio e di pace, desiderano un coll...


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Uscendo dalla SS75 a Santa Maria degli Angeli Nord, seguire le indicazioni per la stazione ferroviaria...


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Tutti i membri della comunitàtà lavorano, guadagnandosi da vivere con le proprie mani come tutti gli altri uomini e sull’esempio degli Apostoli e dei Padri


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A partire dai primi secoli vi sono stati uomini e donne, chiamati ben presto monaci, che hanno abbandonato tutto per tentare di vivere l’evangelo nel celibato e riuniti in comunità



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Através da ressurreição de Jesus, a Páscoa revela que também nós ressuscitaremos. A esperança universal é a de uma vida plena para a humanidade, através de um juízo de Deus, de um juízo sobre o mal...


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From 13 to 15 October mother Cristiana Piccardo paid us a visit, accompanied by sr Fabiola of Vitorchiano and sr Sonia of Humocaro. For twenty-four years, until 1988, she was abbess of the Trappist...


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On Thursday, 27 October 2011, on the occasion of the day of reflection, dialogue, and prayer for peace and for justice in the world "Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace", called to Assis...


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  Giovedì 27 ottobre 2011 in occasione della giornata di riflessione, dialogo e preghiera per la pace e la giustizia nel mondo "Pellegrini della verità pellegrini della pace" indetta ad Ass...